Animism, Gods and Goddesses, Interviews, Mythology, Norse, Religion, Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen, Yoruba
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen: How to build a god – Immanence and Symbolism #6
Our guest Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen is a historian of religion and founder of the project Nordic Animism. His PhD "The Stick and the Calabash“ is a result of extensive anthropological research of the Brazilian Candomblé tradition and of how the archetypal energies of gods are manifested there. We talk about trance and possession, conspiracy theories, and modern society’s loss of a subjective relationship with the forces of the world. And underneath it all we ask the question - what exactly is a god and how do you build it?
Gods and Goddesses, Greek, Interviews, Maria Kvilhaug, Mysticism, Mythology, Norse, Psychedelic Mind
Maria Kvilhaug: The Maiden with the Mead #5
Descriptions of rituals in the Poetic Edda meet mediterranean mystery religions and Carlos Castañeda!
Celtic, Gods and Goddesses, Greek, Mythical Deep Dive, Mythology, Norse, Specials, Storytelling
Christmas Yuletide Special: The Pig #4
At this time of year, when pork will be served on many a holiday plate, we turn our attention to the pig - an animal both loved and loathed since ancient times. What are its mythological connections?
Join us in the divine muck, where we encounter kings and goddesses from Greek and Norse Mythology, as well as Celtic Druids and a fearsome ghost pig from the Swedish midwinter forests.
Celtic, Interviews, Jo Blake, Mythology, Performance, Storytelling, Trickster
Jo Blake: What Does Myth Do Anyway? #3
”Flowers become flesh becomes bird…”
The first guest on our show is Jo Blake, a performer working across the disciplines of storytelling, theatre and dance. She has written a PhD about her project of unearthing the mythological character Blodeuwedd (flower-face/owl) from the depths of the Mabinogion - a medieval Welsh text regarded as one of the oldest and most complete repositories of British Celtic Myth.
Gods and Goddesses, Interviews, Mikael Öberg, Mythology, Performance, Storytelling, Trickster
Inanna: Warrior, Trickster, Lover #2
A deep dive into the story of the extraordinarily powerful and multifaceted Mesopotamian goddess Inanna, prompted by the recent online release of Mikael Öberg's experimental collaboration with soundmaker Lee Berwick. Prepare for the underworld!
Brittle one, Interviews, Mythology, Psychedelic Mind, Torgrim Mellum Stene, Writing
Brittle one: Intuitive Mythmaking #1
A conversation around Torgrim Mellum Stene’s online intuitive fantasy novel Brittle one, that leads to a sprawling exploration of mythic imagery through dreams, psychedelics and the Norse creation story.