Recent Posts
Art, Divination, Ecology, Finnish, Gods and Goddesses, Interviews, Kalevala, Mysticism, Mythology, Psychedelic Mind, Susanna Salo, Tarot
Susanna Salo: Kalevala Tarot #44
Susanna Salo was looking for a deck of Tarot cards inspired by Finnish mythology, but could not find one. So she decided to make one herself.
Animism, Christianity, Commedia dell'Arte, Folk tales, Interviews, Masks, Mythology, Norse, Performance, Petter Madegård, Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen, The Wild Hunt, Theatre
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen & Petter Madegård: The Return of the Yule Goat #43
The practice of dressing up like a Yule Goat for Christmas has many examples in Scandinavian history. Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen has for the past few years aimed to remake a new tradition. Inspired by animism, carneval, Krampus processions in the Alps and samba he has started a Yule Goat Parade.
Animism, Art, Ecology, Film, Hindu, Mythology, Rewilding, Shamanism, Storytelling, Writing, Yoruba, Zara Waldebäck
Zara Waldebäck: Animistic Storytelling #42
From the busyness of UK screen writer’s rooms to the stillness of the Swedish forests. From mastering the story to serving the story. From performance to ceremony. From ego-centred to eco-centred.
Animism, Ecology, Folk tales, Olle Möllervärn, Shamanism
Olle Möllervärn: Bear Culture – A New Approach to Bear-Human Relations in Scandinavia #41
Olle Möllervärn's fascinating master thesis on "Bear Culture“ is the springboard for this podcast episode where we delve into folklore and tradition with both the bear and the human as our guide, and the fascinating borderland that emerges between them.
Celtic, Christianity, Egyptian, Finnish, Gods and Goddesses, Greek, Interviews, Inuit, Japanese, Mesopotamian, Mythology, Norse, Sally Pomme Clayton, Storytelling, Trickster, Writing, Yoruba
Sally Pomme Clayton: The Mighty Goddess #40
We are back after a lengthy interim! And how better to kickstart our new bout of episodes than with a dose of divine power! In our fortieth episode, we interview Sally Pomme Clayton, British performance storyteller and author, about her latest book - The Mighty Goddess.
Dominic Kelly, Ecology, Folk tales, Interviews, Mythology, Norse, Performance, Psychedelic Mind, Storytelling, UFO
Dominic Kelly: MARA – Dream, Forest & Folklore #39
Sleep paralysis. The Old Hag. The Nightmare. Mara. With returning guest, performance storyteller Dominic Kelly, we delve into this fascinating phenomenon that is deeply entrenched in the borderlands of folklore and belief.
Animation, Art, Commedia dell'Arte, Film, Interviews, Masks, Mythology, Performance, Petter Madegård, Politics, Theatre, Trickster, UFO
Petter Madegård: The Carnivalesque #38
This interview took us for a spin through a myriad of worlds - from the rambunctious and chaotic Commedia dell’Arte performances of Renaissance Italy through the clown-like persona of Donald Trump to UFO mythologies! All of it viewed through the lens of the carnivalesque.
Finnish, Interviews, Kalevala, Magic, Markus Luukkonen, Mikael Öberg, Mythology, Performance, Shamanism, Storytelling, Tale singing
Markus Luukkonen: Finnish Magic #37
Do you know the origin of iron? When did you last fall and take fright? These questions are good to keep in mind as we delve into the world of Finnish magic, where sorcerers prepare themselves for healing by standing on rocks in freezing rapids and newborn children are protected from evil spirits in the sauna by being given misleading nicknames.
Ecology, Hindu, Interviews, Mythology, Psychedelic Mind, Shamanism, Śivani Howe, Storytelling, Yoga
Śivani Howe: Yoga of Remembrance #36
Śivani Howe is a classically trained Sannyasi of the Saraswati lineage from India. She shares a few personal stories brimming with synchronicity and serendipity, among them an amazing tale of her special relationship with bees.
Lunisolar Mind XII: Pink Moon #35
The twelfth and final (?) episode of our podcast within the podcast – a series of full moon specials, released on every full moon – where we turn our attention to the glowing celestial body that has inspired artists and mystics for millenia.