Recent Posts
Christianity, Dance, Interviews, Jo Blake, Mysticism, Mythology, Performance, Religion, Specials, Storytelling, Trickster
Easter Special: Jo Blake – Heresy #34
In this Easter Special, interdisciplinary performer Jo Blake returns to In the Borderlands to talk about her upcoming show "The Witness" about the relationship and balance between Jesus and Mary Magdalene and how his story became History and her story became Heresy.
Animism, Ecology, Henrik Hallgren, Interviews, Law, Rights and Systems, Rewilding, Trickster
Henrik Hallgren: Earth Rights – A Trickster in the System #33
Can Nature have rights? We speak with ecopsychologist and Earth Rights activist Henrik Hallgren about the fascinating introduction of a trickster in the legal system, the concept that everything on Earth, from animals to rivers to entire ecosystems, have subjective rights.
Ecology, Lunisolar Mind, Trickster
Lunisolar Mind XI: Worm Moon #32
We are at the crossroads of spring. Every path a new possibility. Every path a new opportunity. Every path a new perspective. The worms patiently forge pathways through the thawing earth beneath our feet. The waters melt and start their patient flow anew. Pick a choice and pick it well. Go forth on river feet.
Andreas Kornevall, Apocalyptica, Interviews, Magic, Mythology, Norse, Rewilding, Runes and Sigils, Shamanism, Storytelling
Andreas Kornevall: Demblem #31
In this episode we speak about the creation of demblems, counter-sigils to deactivate and balance the negative aspects of our logo-inundated society.
Art, Geomancy, Mythology, Psychedelic Mind, Shamanism
Laura Burns: Interrupted by a river #30
Stone women. River hair. Join us in this fascinating conversation with interdisciplinary artist Laura Burns where we speak about the importance of tending to invisible presences and entering into dialogue with the consciousness of the land.
Hindu, Lunisolar Mind, Mythology, Psychedelic Mind
Lunisolar Mind X: Hunger Moon #29
The northern hemisphere is in the hard grip of frosty February. The Hunger Moon beams with dispassionate clarity in the skies, while we start to awaken from our winter slumber. The cycle is about to start anew. But who are we now? What do we want? What are we hungry for?
AI, Art, Interviews, Lee Mason, Metaverse, Mythology, Sculpture, Shamanism, VR
Lee Mason: Metageist #28
In this episode we explore a different borderland altogether, the liminal spaces of the Metaverse. With VR artist and digital myth maker Lee Mason AKA Metageist as our guide we line dance on the edge between dream and reality, exploring themes as diverse as hypnagogic states, shadow people, digital life forms/ecosystems, cautionary sculptures and consensual realities.
Folk tales, Gods and Goddesses, Hindu, Lunisolar Mind, Mythology, Norse, Shamanism, Storytelling
Lunisolar Mind IX: Wolf Moon #27
We are still in the grip of winter, the sky is occluded by grey fur, and the tough love of the Wolf Moon grabs us by the scruff of our necks. Reminding us to wake up from our slumber, to contain our own power, and make our own luck.
Animism, Apocalyptica, Ecology, Interviews, Mythology, Norse, Persian, Rewilding, Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen, Storytelling
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen: Year of Aun – Story as Healing, Story as Curse #26
Historian of religion and animist thinker Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen is back on our podcast! This time to launch the Year of Aun, an invitation to celebrate 2023 as a year of healing and reconnection based on old Nordic spiritual practices.
Hindu, Lunisolar Mind, Mythology, Psychedelic Mind, Shamanism
Lunisolar Mind VIII – Winter Moon #25
Winter is upon us, and further introspection is needed. The Winter Moon calls us to the mountain top, to stillness, to reflection.